hello friends, I am back from Japan.
I very like my holiday,
Japan is an awesome country.
The roads are so clean.
and now, I must back to my home town, do my home work, prepare to school,
etc. oh God, I want more long holiday. This holiday is not enough for me. :(
friends, you know, if my blog just a free space for me,
a free world for me to say anything,
I'm so sad if you give me a bad comments,
but I know, it be a lesson for me to repair my self.
at Japan, I took many photos, such as :
@ mount Fuji lv.5
- Rough long T-Shirt
- unbranded woll hat
- hello kitty sanrio bag
- esprit jeans
- nike shoes
bought a snack @ Asakusa temple
- GAP T-Shirt
- GAP jeans short pants
- unbranded leggings
- nike shoes

eating @ kyoto traditional restaurant, the restaurant was so cute with many, SUMO's picture. :p
* I look so bright in here, hahaha*
@ changi airport
(behind me : my sister and her boy friend)
- hat on my headband
- barbie pinky boots
- disney minnie headband
- zara kids pink sweater
-zara kids jeans short pants
- PINK legging
- barbie pink boots
@ disney land, @ disney land was so full off people because, I visiting disney land when the day is Japan national holiday.....
@ narita airport
points :
- hello kitty long shocks
- short stripes skirt
@ the road
The frightening roller coaster : HOLLYWOOD RIDE @ universal studio
the cutest dog who I ever see!
my family @ disneyland
with kitty tree @ universal studio
wear :
- hello kitty t-shirt
- Zara TRF pants
- hello kitty shocks
- angel blue bag
- nike shoes

taking photo for my bro. :)

with cool car @ disney land

@ disney sea
COOL CAR @ JAPAN. photograph by my bro.
I hope , I will visiting Japan again.......
my home work still waiting me...