Other than that, Ms.Rice asked us to write down "10 things you're most thankful for this year", "1 thing I want to improve", and "3 Goals in 2018".

When I was writing down the lists, I realized that it was easier to "complain" than to be thankful.
10 Things I'm most thankful for :
- Took my parents to witness Sakura in Japan, which was my mom's long time bucket list
- Finished my diploma degree in 2 years
- Hired for a fulltime job
- Gave my parents a staycation as their wedding anniversary gift
- Got many job offers
- Received so much love and care from my family and friends, more than I deserved
- A healthier body and mind, compared to last year
- Had an amazing time at my first rave ever with my friends (you all know how much I love dancing)
- I could forgive someone I used to hate
- Every good and bad experiences that turned as a lesson to me

1 Thing I want to Improve:
Actually there are LOTS of things... But I was only allowed to write one.. What I wrote at first was to "Be a more diligent & neat person".
But I realized that there's something more important. What I REALLY should improve is to "Be closer to God". I'm totally not a religious kind of person. I never could see myself as one. I never even expected myself to be one. But I think I really should try to be closer to God, that way... I can handle any obstacles in my life better and be a better person whole heartedly! I can forgive myself, forgive others, love myself better, and love others much more!

3 Goals in 2018:
- Put more efforts on my job to earn more money! I just want to treat and pay back my parents !
- More self-love to have healthier body & mind. I shall not be so hard on myself
- To have a relationship because I'm getting bored with everyone's same question. (It's so HARD to find the one I'm looking for. So please, bear with me. I'm one selfish and picky girl! HAHAHA).

Wish me luck for my goals, guys! Do leave a comment bellow about your version too! Special thanks to my lecturer! I thought I wasn't going to write anything about this New Year resolution thing! ;)