This morning I opened my instagran feed and read Marilyn Monroe's quote ; "To all the girls that think you're fat because you're not a size zero, you're the beautiful one, its society who's ugly."
I have to say I'm agree with what Marilyn Monroe said. It's not a problem if the person who gets the comment is a strong and the 'i-don't-care-what-people-say-' type. But truthfully and actually, most people in this world do care about what others say about them and those judgements that they got can make them feel insecure, not confident, or even pressured. Those anorexia girls or those people who did suicides, who made them like that? Of course it's the ugly society. It starts from a comment that hurts one's heart and start pressuring them.
The ugly society keeps growing everywhere. It can start even from your neighbors, your friends, and now the internet where you can just go anonymous and leave a hateful message. That ugly society is the ones that always say whatever they want, say to people to "be your self" and yet still judge the others.
There's another example of an ugly society. And this example is the 'kepo' kind of society:
"Someone left a comment on a rich girl's instagram where she uploaded her photo with her luxury stuffs; "You're so arrogant. You should donate your money to those who are in need rather than buying luxuries.""
That kind of people hate to see others' happiness, envy on them, and at the end they will criticize all they want, think they're the right ones where the fact is they are not close with the person that they criticized.
What I mean is, they judge people by a picture, without knowing the person in real life. It's the girl's own money, although it might be her parents', but her parents let her buy it, right? Because it's hers, of course she's free to do anything she wants when no one around her feels bothered with it. Why do those people hate on it? She might be donating in real life or do charities even though she never shows it to the public.
I just can't stand the ugliness of that kind of society. Those people with rotten mouths should change their attitudes and mind their own business. Yes, all of us judge each other and some thoughts will always come across our minds when we see something, BUT, You can't judge people so easily especially when you don't know them in real life. If you're envy, don't make it as a hate, make it as a motivation to work harder. When you think "why am I not rich? why don't I get achievements like her?" , you shouldn't hate her, you should work harder and achieve your own dreams. You're not going to move forward if you're just envying people and hating on them. Because envy and hate will not make you succeed. Those will only make you stay at the bottom.

Okay, enough for the absurd ramblings, and here's the detail of my outfit:
- new era x hello kitty snapback
- wolf printed sleeveless shirt from Wanderlust_store
- denim circle skirt from HerSpot
- maroon socks from forever21
- mustard platforms from june+julia