Last Wednesday I met my blogger friends ; ci Diana, ci Lalita, and ci Anastasia (Yes, they're all older than me...hehehe :P) at Plaza Indonesia. We had lunch together at Kihana and had some snacks and chit-chatting at The Goods Dept. *fat alert*. It was funnn because my others day in Jakarta felt so boring! I felt so happy to meet them :D
My face is the widest O_O
What I wore on that day : top - topshop, skirt - unbranded, wedges - yuan, bag - wonderplace
( I only bring one bag for this holiday, thank God it easily matches my outfits!)
I went to Plaza Senayan to pick up my dad's clothes, and went to Kinokuniya to buy new books and japanese magazines. I looked for vivi magazine but too bad I didn't find the new edition :(. So I bought Elle Girl Japan and got a very cute bonus ;)
Tomorrow is December 31st.. That means it's my last day in Jakarta, my last day of my short holiday, and also the last day in 2011. I think 2011 is a pretty good year for me. I get some achievements at school, I have moreee friends from this blogging world, and also get a lot sponsors for my blog which makes me happy because I can earn money a little by myself.. Because of it, now I rarely ask money to my parents. :)
For 2012, I have some new year resolutions and I really hope 2012 will be an amazing year for me, and everything will run well in 2012!
About my new year resolutions, I promise I will study hard because I'll face national examination. I will get the best score because I really want to make my parents proud with my exams' scores. So, no more lazy Veren! That's my biggest and number one in my new year resolution list!! hahaha. I also will be a better person, I'll be taller, and success in my upcoming projects (yeap, I'll have a project in early 2012)!
And then, I'll watch more concerts in 2012, and be able to meet my idols (2pm, cho kyuhyun, seungri) >____< *blushing*. Lastly, I'll be a better blogger! I have a plan to change my blog's layout, I'll make another interesting posts and giveaway, etc. So please support me!! hehehe :D
I think that's all about my new year's resolution. I hope it's not too early to write about this. ;p
p.s : -I really don't know what to do on new year's eve. I can't celebrate it with my school mates because we're all in different cities now -_-. Give me some suggestions, please?? Any nice places in Jakarta to celebrate new year's eve? I don't want to spend new year's eve countdown in my bedroom T____T
-now my blog's url has changed into WWW.VERENLEE.COM . You don't need to type blogspot dot com anymore to visit my blog. The simpler the better! You may change my blog's link on your blog. :D :D
This year, I celebrate Christmas in my parents' hometown, Pontianak. I went to church yesterday with my youngest aunt last night. And before I went to church, I had a Christmas Eve dinner with my mom's brother (my cousins). This morning I've returned to Jakarta. Here is the outfit that I wore on Christmas eve.
shirt : zara basic, skirt : forever21, wedges : mango, bag : wonderplace
I spent my holiday in Pontianak for about a week, and as usual, if I go to my parents' hometown, I'll always get fatter because of the food. In a day I could eat for 5 times -_-. Thank God I don't live there because if I live there I'd be very fat ! I have a big appetite ! The holiday was okay after all, I slept-over in my cousin's house for 2 days, and it was fun to watch korean drama and Sherlock Holmes together with them ;).
I didn't prepare much about my Christmas outfit, because it was my mom who packed my stuffs before going to Pontianak.. hohoho.. So I just took something red from my suitcase to match the Christmas theme~ :p. I know this is such a boring combination but... aaaa... T_T
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus Christ ! I don't believe in Santa Claus but I believe that my parents are my santa claus! I got a lot of new clothes from my mom as my x-mas present :P
Let's celebrate Christmas with joy, love and happiness!
Hi, all! How's your holiday so far? This is a scheduled post, so when it's published on this blog, I'm already in Pontianak. I wore this outfit on the first day in Jakarta, I took these photos at home before I went to Jakarta last Sunday. The photos on this post are all un-edited and un-resized -_-. I'm too lazy to edit them one by one since I don't have much time because I'll go to the airport this morning. I also don't know how to resize the photos on my bro's macbook, and there's not my favorite editing program in his laptop -.-.
Look at my polkadot top and merry-go-round necklace! They're from Queentastic's Closet! Aren't they cute? :D. Go to their facebook's profile and buy a lottt of cheap and cute clothes/accessories with good quality!
After a very-very-veeerrryy long time, finally I wear flat shoes.. hahaha.. I usually wear them to tuition places. If I go around the mall, church, etc I often wear wedges :). Yesterday I went to Central Park with mom, and when I took a look at shoes, my mom said, "Don't buy wedges / heels! You won't wear it!!". But when I usedflat shoes to the mall, my mom always says, "Why do you wear flat shoes? You're short and it look ugly !!". Me : "........... What should I wear,then??" -___-.
cardigan : stradivarius, top & necklace : Queentastic's Closet, bottom : unbranded, flats : new look, watch : lacoste
Today is my brother's birthday. Happy Birthday brother! May u be a talented graphic designer & photographer! I love you <3
Today I wanna post something a little different.. I'm not going to blog about my outfit today. But about my school life! I can't tell much but since I'm an active student at school, I handled a lot of school events , and appeared a lot in front of camera :P
This photo was taken few days ago, when the classmeeting started. You can see my friends wore t-shirts and I wore a shirt because my friends joined sports competition like indoor soccer (futsal) and basket ball, but I didn't join anything because I was sooo busy preparing for the end-year party and checked everything about classmeeting --". And to be honest, I'm not good at sports :[
And oh! We're with our ex-science teacher, Mr. Juventus :D! He was our school committee's builder. I adore him because he's creative and very supportive~! He didn't teach in our school again because of my school's supers*cks headmaster.
This polaroid photo was taken on August 17th, Indonesia's independence day. Do you know why I didn't stand in rows? My teacher asked me to take photos (be a photographer), so I didn't need to line up and my other photographer friends took me this photo.. hohoho :P
These three photos above were taken on October, when my school joined a retreat program. It was sooo fun ;).
My school's atmosphere !
This is an old photo. Me and my team joined a dance competition last January, and got the first place ;D
I was with my bestie, Sarah. It was her birthday last week. And on that day I was wearing a top and a skirt by Red Cherry Shop. I haven't had any chance to take a full outfit photos :(
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS!! You'll get contacted via e-mail by the owner of Lolypop Shop as soon as possible! I choose the winner based on the entries and randomly ;)
If you don't win this giveaway, don't be sad because I PROMISE I will make another giveaway! ;D
Final exam has ended last Saturday, and I'm so glad that I pass all the subjects! Uhm.. although I'm not satisfied with my score ;[, as long as I don't need to study anymore, I'm happy!! For the whole week I didn't get enough sleep, I slept late and woke up early.. aaaa .. that was really annoying :[
Now I still have some school activities like class-meeting and an end year party that will be held this Friday. Actually I don't want to go to school these days.. but if I'm absent I don't know how many people from the school's committee will be mad at me T.T
I don't know why but I'm not feeling happy at all today. Since yesterday I've been receiving lots of questions about class-meeting things. what makes me angry is : I've posted a note about all about classmeeting, I've put the announcement on the announcement board at school, I've informed all the classes' leaders, I've posted a status about the class-meeting's facebook link, even broadcast it, but STILL.... There were some annoying guys asked me about it.. I really hate people who are LAZY to read and pay attention, and when they're confused, they'll just easily ask. It's not that I'm "judes" and don't wanna answer their questions, but please.. I've EXPLAINED it VERY CLEARLY, and the information is already very very complete. Why did they ask the questions that I've explained?? And also with the students from grade 8 and 9, who should've known what should they do in classmeeting because they've had class-meeting for twice or more! Oh come on. Couldn't you remember anything? The rules are just the same with the class-meetings we've had before!!! I still tolerate with 7th graders because it's their first time.. grrrr...
It's the same with people who like to ask silly questions before googling it first..
I replied them with "have you read the announcement on fb / announcement board at school? could you read first before u ask ???" . I don't care what they feel because they've made me really really annoyed!! I'm just so tired! :[ :[
have you met people like this?
I got this top from MsJo Closet and the plaid shorts are tailor-made. I added some accessories from dorothy perkins and candybutton :).
I think I'm going to off now.. I'm very tired today because of dance practice this afternoon, so I'll sleep early. Bye~! :)
AKB48 - Heavy Rotation
I'm so addicted with this song because of pocari sweat Indonesia's newest cf. kkkk
Do yo know what is Lolypop Shop? Lolypop shop is an online shop that sells lots of good accessories for girls such as hairclips, hairbands, hats, brooches, bracelets, necklaces, and many more! And do you wanna know something special about Lolypop Shop? The stuffs are handmade! ;)
And at this opportunity, I collaborate with the owner of Lolypop Shop to make a giveaway with 3 persons as the winners . only for my readers!
each winner will get :
1 hairband and 2 ribbon crochet hair-clips
they're all limited edition stuffs at Lolypop Shop. They're really cute right?? So, you have to join this giveaway to get them!
3. Choose a type of hairband that you wanna win (for the color of the hairclip, you can't choose the color / it's random)
4. Leave a comment that you've done all things you have to do (follow lolypop shop's blog and facebook page, choose a type of hairbands that you wanna win) and also your e-mail
example :
" I've followed lolypop shop's blog and liked their facebook page. I choose Apparel Hairband and my e-mail is"
If you've done it all, it will be counted as 1 entry
Final 1st term exam is coming.. and I haven't studied anything >____< . I'm so busy with school committee stuffs lately and that makes me have such a little time for blogging :(. But thanks God everything runs smoothly everyday. I'm going to do the best for final exam and get the highest scores <3.
shirt : new look, vest : MsJo Closet, shorts : stradivarius, wedges : june+julia
Sometimes I really want to blog about other stuffs beside outfit posts, but I'm just too busy T-T . I do really want to blog about red carpet review, my opinion about something / more about my life, but argh... school's slowly killing me but as a student I know that school is my 1st priority :(
p.s : I'm going to make a giveaway soon! and there'll be 3 winners from the upcoming giveaway! Make sure to follow my blog / twitter to keep updated! ;)
Anyone watched Mnet Asia Music Awards (MAMA)? Well, I streamed the show 2 days ago and my favorite from the red carpet was SNSD! Jessica and Yuri looked super hot and their outfits were very very very pretty! I love Tiffany's dress the most. kkk ;p
I also watched Hyuna and Hyunseung's duet performance (Trouble Maker) and it was a real trouble maker. I don't know how's Hyunseung's fans reaction when they watched the 'kiss' between them!! (ok maybe some of them support it but some of them might be mad / bash Hyuna O_o). But Hyuna was so sexy on that day!! I love them! Have you watched their MV?