Hello! I've just got the time to blog a new post today after a heaps of activities this week. I had a camping at school on Sat-Sun and I've been busy preparing for the english speech contest.
The topic is about Indonesia's president election in 2014 and I'm still consulting about the content with my teacher. I made the content yesterday and my teachers say it might be scary for me and a little offensive to speak about sara issues (racism, ethnicity, religion, discrimination) (although it's just a small part of the content). This issue is really an 'it' topic in Indonesia especially with some presidential candidates like F.A & R.I who made a lot of controversies with their discriminative views. (you know whoooo~~). I really want to speak up about this issue. I think we should stop caring too much about race, ethnicity, or religion. (Especially when we're going to choose a leader). Why do we have to care so much about his religion / race? Can't we just let religion be something private between a person and God? What's more important is the potential and ability of the candidate to lead this country to a better future. Even more than a half of the US citizens trust and chose Obama to lead their country. When will we more forward if we're too busy debating about a never ending matter? I just think that we should not waste our time & opportunity :)

Yep! Another look wearing my mom's scarf as a headband. If you're following my instagram (@verenleecious), you must have seen the pic of this kind of scarf in various colors. I'm addicted! xP
- black cartoon & cat ears sweatshirt c/o sheinside
- blue shorts from daegu, korea
- black skull backpack c/o romwe
I've been longing for cute sweaters lately and luckily I got a chance to pick it from sheinside. It's so comfy and perfect for the rainy season! :)

Again, I'm really sorry I haven't got the chance to reply your comments on my blog due to my busy schedule. I felt so exhausted and even wanted to give up because I felt like I wasn't good enough and I had so much fears of failing. I don't want to abandon neither school or my blog. Sometimes I feel so sad and frustrated that my photos on this blog aren't as good as others. I always use a tripod and a powershot camera to take outfit photos because I have no one to take my photos at home. I hardly take photos outside my house because I actually rarely wear the outfits on this blog to go out because the fact is I rarely go to the mall / hang out nowadays. I only go out to school or tuition places where I can't wear these kinds of outfit. I usually wear the outfits when I'm in Jakarta or during holiday period. I really want to say thank you to all of you who are still reading my boring blog and even spend your time to leave a comment. :')
I'll be back after I've settled everything. See ya :)