As we've entered a new month of the year.. WAKUWAKU JAPAN has released moree new programs in their Entertaiment section. And one of it which caught my attention is IRON CHEF! (I'm a bigggg fan of cooking shows. Before Master Chef / Hell's Kitchen exsist, Iron Chef was the show that I regularly watched!)
This cooking show has been popular in Japan since 1993 and there were also the america's, uk's, thailand's, vietnam's, and indonesia's version. In Indonesia.. the host for IRON CHEF was Derry Drajat. (Do some of you remember this show and how fierce Derry Drajat was?! Especially the way he spoke! lol!)
The show's description : "Chef ternama dari dalam dan luar negeri diundang sebagai penantang untuk saling beradu kemahiran dengan chef masakan Jepang, Prancis, Cina, dan Italia yang menjadi pengisi tetap tayangan ini, alias "Chef Besi". Setiap kali mereka berupaya menyajikan masakan terbaik dari bahan masakan dengan tema tertentu. Acara memasak legendaris ini populer berkat penampilan para chef yang membuat adrenalin kita terpacu, seolah menyaksikan pertunjukan langsung bela diri"
"Notable chefs from domestic and overseas are invited as challenger to compete with Japanese / French / Chinese / Italian specialist chefs which are the permanent attendees on this show, a.k.a "Iron Chef". Every time they try to serve the best dish from the best groceries with certain themes. This legendary cooking show becomes populer because of the performance of the chefs that makes our adernaline motivated, as if we're watching a live martial show."
I'm so looking forward to watch this show only at WAKUWAKU JAPAN every Saturday & Sunday at 18.00 - 19.00 WIB (Channel 168 Indovision / Channel 32 Okevision) since I've never watched this original (Japanese) version!!